Thursday, May 15, 2014

Hey WarriorZ!

       So we recently hit 2000 views (OMG!!) and we all decided to hold a little contest c;
    So basically this is a photography contest so there will be no editing done. If you don't know what a photography contest is, it's when you go on woozworld (since this is a woozworld blog) and you take a picture according to the theme (The theme will be later in this article xD). We will judge on: Background, and your outfit.

     Here is how to enter:

 Step 1: Go to woozworld and create an Album titled "Woozworld WarriorZ Spring Contest"
then after you have done that; take a picture with a nice background and outfit matching the theme and put it in this album.

Step 2: Message Maryn246 or post on TobanJ's wall saying "Spring Contest Entry" and we will write your name down! ;) NOTE: If you post/message us more then once you will be DISQUALIFIED. We will message you or comment "Entered" so that way you know we wrote your name down ;D


Now what you've all been waiting for xD ... The theme!   So we decided for the theme to be Spring!

Here is an example of what a spring photo would look like:



         1st place: 10k beex + an offical Woozworld WarriorZ Blogger Status! :3
         2nd place: 5k beex  + A 1 month blogger pass.
         3rd place: 1k beex + a one week blogger pass

Now don't be upset if you don't win this contest because we will have many more contests in the future! :3

This contest is open till May 26th 2014. We will announce the winners on May 30th 2014 through a blog post! :3

                                                            Good luck WarriorZ!