These are the rules for new Bloggers and/or Trial Bloggers.
1) In your posts you must make sure someone has not already done something on that topic. If we see this happening the post will be deleted.
2) You are only allowed a maximum of 2 pictures in your post.
3) Make sure your font size is at NORMAL and the font is Default Text. This is to keep the post consistent and looking nice.
4) Each of the main bloggers have a topic, and some are teamed up working on one big topic (EX: On Thursdays/Fridays Obey and Mar are going to be reviewing the new outfits.) If you want to post about something like that, contact one of the leaders (Tj or Mar) and ask if that topic is free. Please don't just go ahead and post about it.
5) Please no giving out info (EX: Age, Address, etc..)
6) You must put your WOOZWORLD name at the bottom (EX: -Maryn246 <3) We do not recommend putting a picture as your outing.
7) Please no advertising your own blogs/pages/groups.
8) Please don't just copy and paste your article. We want to keep it interesting. So if you are going to write say about new celebrity coming to woozworld, do not just copy and paste it from the blog, please write it in your own words.
If you have any questions/concerns message us on Facebook or Woozworld!