Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wooz World App Daily Prizes!

OK guys Agent Here with random news and updates! So for those of you who have the Wooz World App, Wooz World is rewarding and giving you gifts! That's right everyday through the 27th and the 31st you log on to the Wooz world app and go to the lounge, you will get an exclusive gift! Here's yesterdays gift and instructions on how to get them!

Step 1. Make sure you have the App or Download it here on the on the App Store! To check if your device is compatible with the app check here!

Step 2. Login with your Wooz World Account!

Step 3. Go to the Free Gift Option\The Exclusive App Lounge

Step 4. Click on the white Reward Box in the Lounge

Step 4. Enjoy your Gift! Here is the 27th gift


So it seems they are doing a kind of iPad and app themed outfits for the app! Well hopefully you all can get them! And I will be updating you all on the daily prizes! And don't forget to check out my in depth review of the app in the coming days!thanks
