Saturday, April 18, 2015

Lost Temple of the Monkey

Hey Warriors! Ressy here. You guys probably seen this on the left of your screen:

You guessed it! A new quest! And It's my job right now to help you guys through this. (It's your time to shine, Ressy c':)

For this post, I'll be on my boy account, so you'll see him around the units in my pictures.

Now, once you've come to the Rain forest, you'll finish the first step, Got to and explore the Woozworld Rain forest, of the first objective, Lost Temple of the Monkey. 

After you've come to the rain forest, make sure to click the bottom left tile, I've circled it for you so you understand which I'm talking about:

Continue to click that same tile two more times in the following two units (Remember, the units will look the same, but in reality they're different):

Then, proceed to clicking the top right tile eight times in the following eight units:

Then you will reach the Monkey Temple!

Click the box and you'll get your prize!

BUT (Plot Twist) Once you click this box, you'll see three new objectives to the left:

Watch out for my future posts that will give you information on how to finish those!

Ressy Corn Out ~(c;)>