Monday, September 21, 2015

The BIG update

And Boy, when I say Big, I mean HUGE! But, I can't cover it by myself. so I will only be covering the new Feature that came within the Update. I'm sure other Warriorz will post about the rest, but for now.
*clears thoat*
*gasps for air*

Hey Guys its Snows, and That was my longest introduction yet. But That's besides the point. Woozworld just had a GIGANTIC update, and I decided to only scratch the surface with... the new Activity Center!!

The Activity Center is a feature that allows Woozens to put in a small about of beex, wait a little, and get some beex out of it. You can find the Activity Center under the Blue Stop Watch with a Green Check.

Click on that and you will be brought to a window resembling this one cx 

This is the Activity Center, within in you will see different "task" your woozen can perform. There are specific requirements and Rewards you will get. Then there is a time limit, specifying how long it will take until you get a prize.  Lets look at the Top one.

"Wait for Jenny's Gift" The Requirements are Free, the Total amount of time Remaining is 23H and 31 minutes. and the Reward is 500 Beex. This a great way to collect some beex with putting in a little to start with. But Fair warning, you can only do one activity at a time, and if you cancel you will loose the beex you put in to the Activity, as well as the time will reset to 0 (From what I'm seeing)

I'm excited to see what Woozworld has in store, and You'll be hearing from me more on the weekends, school is a thing sadly ^-^". 

Talk Later <3